Template:Journal Backup

From Payment Processing Software Library
Revision as of 14:00, 23 October 2006 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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The number of days that the journals are backed up is specified in CreditLine Business Configuration Dialog. To restore the journal/batch you can rename the desired journal backup file to ccv_jor.dat and move it to 911\DATA directory. Don't forget to reload the configuration to apply the changes.

→ For multiple merchant setups replace JOR below with JOR? where ? is the merchant index.

File Name Function
C:\911\JOR\b<time_stamp>.?? "BEFORE" BACKUP. Backup of the journal before the batch was run
C:\911\JOR\j<time_stamp>.?? "BATCH" BACKUP. Backup of the journal that was batched
C:\911\JOR\d<time_stamp>.?? "DAY" BACKUP. Incremental Backup of the journal for a business day appended at the time of the batch
C:\911\JOR\u<time_stamp>.?? "UN-BATCHED" BACKUP. Backup of un-batched transactions that were carried over to the next batch (for instance un-finalized Auths)