Template:PCI Exempt API Intro

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There are three ways, in which CreditLine can help your application eliminate exposure to the payment info:

  1. Our application pops up a custom UI for accepting and processing credit cards, debit cards or gift cards, so that your application does not have to.
    All aspects of the UI can be customized
  2. Recurrent credit card data is accepted, stored and processed through our custom UI, as well.
  3. Tokenization UI API is used to reference credit card data that is stored and encrypted within CreditLine, instead of your POS.

This way your application can claim that no credit card data is being stored or processed.

  • Important Notice: This program was called "PCI Exempt". We changed the name to reflect the new policies of the PCI Council. PCI Exempt used to be a convenient term that Point Of Sale developers use to refer to the practice of tokenization and external UI encapsulation. 911 Software does not have the authority to exempt any vendor from PCI requirements. Please, contact your independent PCI auditor for rules applicable to your situation.